Formatting and Submitting Requirements

Formatting and Submitting Requirements

Rules for writing and Submit

Journal of Science and Technology, Hanoi University of Industry publishes the results of scientific, research projects: science-technology and economics-society of scientists and lecturers, graduate students, graduate students at HaUI and other places.

The journal is published with cycle issue/2 monthsand. The scientific articles published in the Journal belong to the interdisciplinary branches: Mechanical-Dynamics, Chemical Food Technology, Electrical - Electronics - Automation Technology and Economics, which are recognized by The State Council for Professor Title of Vietnam and would award a maximum of 0.5 point.


1. Publications are scientific papers that have never been published in journals and conference proceedings.

2. Articles in Vietnamese or English.

3. Articles are results of research works or research projects with management organization must be permitted to be publicized.

4. The content of the article maximum 10 pages A4 (including drawings, tables and references).


1. Form

• Font Times New Roman, Unicode; Font size 12.

• A4 paper size, aligned on above 2cm , bottom 2cm, left 3cm, right 2cm, line spacing: Single.

• Images used in the article must be clear and specify the source.

• Math formulas must be entered using Mathtype or Equation software (no image format).

2. Structure (comply with the content structure regulations of a scientific article)

• Article title, Abstract, Keywords: Required for writing in both Vietnamese and English (the content of the Abtract must maximum 200 words; Keywords must maximum 06 words).

• Author's name, working unit, e-mail, phone number (in case of co-authoring, phone number and e-mail of the main author).

• Introduce.

• Theoretical frameword.

• Data and research methods.

• Results and Discussion.

• Recommendations/Solutions.

• Conclusion.

• Acknowledgments.

• References: References cited in the article's content must be listed in the "References" section and numbered in the order in which they appear. The presentation is as follows:

References are articles published in scientific journals:

[No.]. Author, year of publication. Name of the article. Journal title, volume/issue, from page to page.

References are books:

[No.]. Author, year of publication. Book title. Publisher, location of the publisher.

References are scientific conference reports:

[No.]. Author, year of publication of the report. Report name. Name of the conference, place, time. Publisher, from page to page.

References are scientific research topics, theses:

[No.]. Author, year of implementation. The name of scientific work. Type of scientific work (scientific works/ thesis), name of scientific work management unit.

References from internet system:

[No.]. Author, year of publication. Name of the article. Accessed by the date. The full path to the URL of the document.


Articles is sent to the Journal include: 01 Word and 01 PDF at the email of the journal:

Or Submit online via the journal's website: